Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Natural Remedies for PCOS-Why They Are A Better Approach.

You may be thinking about natural remedies for PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and wondering if they actually work. That is a common question in the medical community as well. Unfortunately, natural alternatives are not given the credit they deserve a lot of times. So how do you find something that actually works?

Many women understand the pain and discomfort of PCOS first hand. You may be one of them. It certainly isn't something to take lightly.

The health risks are extremely important for one thing. PCOS women have been shown to have significantly higher levels of LDL (the ba kind) cholesterol. Their risk of cardiovascular disease is much higher as well.

While the medical community is divided about effective treatment options one of the things that they commonly ignore is natural remedies for PCOS. With the severity of the disorder that is really a shame for a lot of reasons.

Consider this: removing the cysts surgically has actually been shown to cause them to come back with a vengeance. The surgery is obviously painful, expensive and difficult. You should always get a second opinion before consenting to the procedure.

Another common practice is prescribing birth control pills. This is faulty from the get go simply because of the lack of insight into the condition. A shortage of estrogen is not the cause for ovarian cysts and PCOS. Thus, the drugs may only temporarily shrink the cysts without remedying the situation on a long term basis.

The best thing to keep in mind is that natural remedies for PCOS while often ignored certainly have a lot of merit. Be sure and consider your options wisely when dealing this condition.

If you find that the approach your doctor is using isn't working it is certainly time to consider some other options. There is really no harm in approaching any medical condition such as this one with an open mind.

Pelvic pain and bladder related problems are never fun to deal with. If you are nauseaus, breathless, vomiting or in general discomfort you really should consider natural remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome as well.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Natural Remedies For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-A Step By Step Approach!

You may think that natural remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome are just a bunch of "mumbo-jumbo". Before dismissing the idea, it's not a bad idea to get some additional facts.

Where are the "pundits" when it comes to criticizing conventional "western" medical philosphies that don't work? You might be surprise to know that over 90% of the women who resort to this type of treatment have problems later on. PCOS is basically caused by the growth of cysts in the outer lining of the ovaries.

You might think that removing them would be the end of the problem. Unfortunately, that isn't the case a lot of times. They simply grow back.

The surgery is commonly paid for with most insurance companies but that's not always the case. Even if you only end up paying a co-pay for the drugs for pain, hospital costs and the surgeon it still gets pertty expensive.

Any time surgery is being considered there are always risks involved. That's why natural remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome just make sense. There is always the possibility that you won't be able to have children at any point with the surgery. There just aren't any guarantees of any kind.

Doctors will frequently prescribe birth control pills to try and shrink the cysts. That's not a long term solution either. Once you go off the pills the cysts simply grow even bigger.

In the past, the typical methodology for dealing with ovarian cysts and PCOS has been to fix the problem the best way possible. That simply is unacceptable when your health is involved.

Many women resort to heating pads, crazy diets and pain medication to live with the disorder. Some even try hypnosis, visualizations, yoga and affirmations. Guess what...things just don't seem to get any better.

Believe it or not there are natural remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome that actually do work! It does take a little research and time to find the right ones at times.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Natural Remedies For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-What You Need To Know!

The mere thought of trying natural remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome may seem silly. Unfortunately, we have been duped to some extent by the pharmaceutical companies into thinking "their way" is the only way. That's true of several things though.

If you aren't sure what PCOS is it is basically a build up of cysts in the outer walls of the ovaries. It is very common among women of child bearing ages. Unfortunately, the end result is often trouble conceiving.

PCOS is a complex metabolic, hormonal and insulin disorder related condition. It's a proven fact that women who suffer from PCOS are more than twice as likely of having an endometrial cancer. Insulin resistance associated with PCOS often leads to beta-cell exhaustion of the pancreas and ultimately to diabetes.

While simply taking a herbal supplement is not the answer, there is a place for them in treating PCOS correctly. Dietary restrictions are often necessary as well. Those are just a couple of natural remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome that make up a comprehensive treatment package.

While surgery is often necessary every available option should be considered first. In many cases, the cysts simply re-appear again after the surgery and the patient is worse off than when they started. The procedure is very expensive and frequently not covered by insurance companies.

If you are suffering from this disorder, it's only prudent to take things very seriously. Natural remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome should always be considered as a part of your total treatment plan.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Natural Remedies For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-How Do I Know Which One Works?

Natural remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are often given a bad name for no reason at all. There are always a few "bad apples" in the barrel when it comes to anything.

You know, we all have a tendency to dismiss any treatment option for health issues when the word "natural" is mentioned. That really is a shame because there are some fantastic options that (low and behold) actually do work. Having said that, there are a lot of web-sites out there that are just a glorified sales pitch for a herbal product. Enough said about that one!

You can find all kinds of creams and "magic potions" for just about "anything that ails you". Things don't change that much do they. Remember the old "snake oil" elixirs in the old West?

There will always be times when you just have to take your chances and hope for the best. That doesn't mean that "throwing caution to the wind" is a smart idea either.

Trying to find legitimate natural remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome sure seems like a daunting task at times. You hunt all over the internet or your local bookstore hoping to find something that delivers. Unfortunately, you end up being right where you started in a ot of cases.

With all of our technological advances you would think that someone might actually come up with something that is proven to work. Your doctor is certainly very knowledgeable about the subject. Why is it that they will ordinarily tell you that there isn't a 'cure"? Probably because there isn't a cure with the way you are probably going to be treated.

Birth control pills are commonly prescribed for PCOS and Ovarian Cysts. To put it simply, that's like putting a band-aid on an allergic reaction on your skin. It may look effective but it's not. You see, a lack of estrogen is not the cause of PCOS. What's the point of taking birth control pills then?

More often that not, the only thing that is going to happen with this approach is shrinking the cysts temporarily. That's why natural remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are so much more effective. The root cause of the disorder is treated in a holistic manner. Every facet of the disease is handled the way it should be done.

Many women find that having PCOS makes having children extremely difficult. To put it in the simplest terms, the ovaries are not working at their peak condition due to the cysts being in the outer walls of the ovaries.

With the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease as a very real possibility, PCOS is certainly nothing to take lightly. If you and your partner are trying to conceive there are a whole of host of resources available to help out as well.

Make sure you settle for nothing less than the best infertility books. In many cases, you may end up with something that is just a re-hash of information that anyone should be able to find on their own!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The best infertility books really do make a difference!

If you are looking for the best infertility books there are so many choices. It takes a lot of time and research to find one that is actually going to help you. Don't get discouraged though!

Infertility is one of the most disappointing and discouraging circumstances in anyone's life. The thought of not being able to have children is so crushing emotionally.

The good news is that medical technology has caught up with the process in so many ways. Unfortunately, the facts are often misrepresented by fertility clinics though.

Most clinics generally have a success rate of 10% to 15%. You will often see figures that are drastically higher than that. It all boils down to how they report their numbers and what they consider a success.

For instance, many clinics consider a heart beat of a fetus to be a success. As any woman knows, the chances of a miscarriage increase significantly as she gets older.

With the crushing expenses that are often associated with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) every couple has to really think twice before trying it. While the desire to conceive may be overwhelming there certainly any need or reason to throw common sense to the wind.

Many of the best infertility books are designed and written by women that have first hand experience. They understand the pain and disappointment you are going through. Wisdom often comes from personal experiences.

As we get older, the odds of getting pregnant do decrease significantly. It's just a fact of life. No matter what we do we can't turn the clock back in some cases.

While many people scoff at the idea of natural approaches to infertility it really is something to consider. The toxins and chemicals that we have in our environments are extremely hazardous to our reproductive systems.

Detoxyfying our our systems and methodically planning ahead of time for conception are lacking in our modern day medical community. While doctors freely prescribe medications like Clomid the holistic nature of the human body is often ignored. There are always underlying symptoms with any health issue.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant the best infertility books can make a tremendous difference. Don't try and go it alone. At a time like this you need all the help you can get!

Women that wait to have children are particularly susceptible to other problems along the way. The eggs that were once in her ovaries have declined markedly. Other issues such as ovarian cysts or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) become a factor as well.

While we lose muscle mass and brain cells as we age our reproductive systems tend to slow down as well. The challenges can be extremely difficult to overcome. If you are trying to understand how to increase fertility after 35 the process is going to be a little different. Looking for resources that meet your needs specifically should be on your list. You simply don't have time to waste when trying to conceive at this age.

How to increase fertility after 35 when no one says it can be done!

As time marches on you may be wondering about how to increase fertility after 35. It's just too bad that we don't have some way to turn the clock back isn't it?

We have so much control over many things in the process. Simple things like taking care of yourself are extremely important. If you are not eating correctly, you certainly aren't doing yourself any favors!

When we are younger we can be a little less careful about the things we do to our bodies. Our reproductive systems are working at peak performance. The passage of time slows things down though.

You may not even realize how much it all changes. Studies have shown that a fifty year old woman has 1,000 eggs in her ovaries. That number can be as high as 1 million when a woman enters her reproductive phase in life!

If you are drinking soft drinks all day long that is not healthy. You knew that already though. Eating plenty of fruits and vegatable is just plain smart any time. Fast foods are the curse of modern society.

You simply can't find the magic cure on how to increase fertility after 35 by ignoring the "no brainer" things.

Male fertility is often a problem too. In fact, it's estimated that 40 to 50% of the fertility problems are due to the other person involved in the process. Over the last 50 years, sperm counts have decreased significantly in men. Doesn't it make sense that the onset of the industrial revolution has had some effect on all of us?

Environmental toxins and chemicals have a significant effect on our reproductive capabilities. There is simply no way to reverse the problems without detoxyfying our systems.

Whatever you decide to do keep in mind that there are all kinds of resources to help you figure out how to increase fertility after 35 if you take the time to look. More often than not, you can find the best strategies with a little research.

Your doctor may be recommending a drug such as Clomid to enhance your fertility. Unfortunately, many women have problems with it. In many cases, they suffer from insomnia, dizziness or heavy bleeding during or after periods.

You can find the answers on how to help fertility by spending your money wisely. There are all kinds of excellent eBooks that are available on the internet. For many women, they are a life saver simply because of the practicality and ease of use.

How to help fertility when nothing seems to be working.

Modern science with all of the latest gadgets doesn't always know how to help fertility. Unfortuantely, we have gotten away from some of the basic concepts that have helped our predecessors.

None of us think anything about making trips to the doctors office to see what his or her opinion is on the subject. Yet, there are so many common sense things we can do on our own instead.

With all the processed and refined foods in our diet is it any wonder we have so much trouble getting pregnant? Our bodies were just never meant to take in all that garbage that we put in our mouths.

What food value do carbonated soft drinks have? How about alcoholic beverages or sport drinks? We simply have lost all common sense when it comes to what we eat and drink.

Eating plenty of leafy green vegetables and fruits along with restricting your intake of dairy products, caffeine and dairy products helps tremendously. One study found that as little as a cup and half to two cups of coffee a day significantly impairs fertility.

The simple reality is that changing your diet is no guarantee that we can reverse the damage. A healthy diet certainly is a step in the right direction though.

This is one of the basic steps if you really want to know how to help fertility the way nature had intended. There is just no substitute for taking care of our bodies to help them function correctly.

Another thing that many women fail to realize is how important detoxyfying our systems is. We take in all kinds of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis. Our foods are loaded with additives and preservatives.

Studies have shown that being over weight or under weight significantly makes a tremendous difference in fertility. Simply put: we are what we eat!

Exposure to tobacco smoke and alcohol are definitely no-no's if you are really serious about knowing how to help fertility. While an occasional drink is okay every now and then, "binge drinking" is just plain stupid when trying to get pregnant. If you haven't quit smoking this is the time to do it.

Getting plenty of sleep and exercising in a reasonable fashion is extremely important as well. While stress certainly isn't going to prevent you from getting pregnant it doesn't help. It's stressful enough when you are trying to conceive a child.

If you are working lots of hours this might be the right time to slow down a little bit. You can help yourself so much by getting things back in perspective.

Last but not least, be willing to learn more about the subject and educate yourself. There are all kinds of excellent resources available to make the process so much simpler.

Getting pregnant over 45 certainly presents a totally whole new set of challenges. Whatever your circumstances are try to stay positive and focus on the big picture!