Monday, January 31, 2011

Ovarian Cysts Book-Will My Doctor Recommend One?

If you happen to mention the fact that you are reading an ovarian cysts book be prepared for some "eyebrows". Why is it that we are completely convinced in the western world that pills are the solution to every health problem?

To be quite frank, that is why we have a health care crisis in the United States. Obesity is rampant and out of control. What would you expect when our kids sit in front of a computer or television all day long?

Back when I was a kid we went outside and ran around. Children today have to be "entertained" constantly. They are good kids but we as a society have let them down. But, that's a topic for another time.

It is estimated that as much as 95% of the women that consent to traditional ovarian cyst treatments get the "little darlings" (as in growths) back. The obvious question is what are doing wrong?

One of the problems is the way we train physicians. Any mention of a "holistic" (did we actually say that word?) and they think you are a "tree hugger" or a "quack".

Most physicians are reluctant to consider alternative therapies because they have never been trained in them. It certainly isn't due to ignorance.

Taking birth control pills certainly isn't the answer simply take care of the symptoms. The root cause is never even addressed. The goal of simply shrinking the cysts may work for a while but that's about it ordinarily.

Many medical professionals wouldn't be caught dead giving any ovarian cysts book any kind of a recommendation. Their mantra is to shrink ovarian cysts and hope they never show up again. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case.

In certain cases, there isn't any choice. Surgery has to be done particularly if the cysts are cancerous. While the disappointment of being infertile after the procedure is awful to think about "it's the lesser of two evils sometimes."

That certainly always the "magic bullet" though. In many cases, women who have surgical procedures to have the cysts removed have developed new cysts within a matter of weeks.

The bottom line is this: sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands and be proactive. Most doctors are extremely concerned about their patients well being. They don't always have time to really delve into every situation that they come across each day.

So where does homeopathy for pcos fit into all of this? Will those magic creams get the job done that you see advertised. How about the herbal remedies that are often touted. The answer is it takes a combination of several things to get the job done.

In many cases, insurance companies refuse to pay for certain types of treatment. Given the fact that they typical ovarian cysts surgery costs anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 the prospect of paying for it yourself is indeed scary.

>It's sad to say but most doctors have never had to try the ineffective techniques for controlling ovarian cysts that they recommend. Pain killers and constant prescriptions are never the right answer for anything. But, that is certainly contrary to what we are taught isn't it?

When looking for an ovarian cysts book make sure the author offers SPECIFIC guidelines and instructions on how to deal with the condition. All too often, authors gather information off the internet and throw a book together.

Do they have real practical experience with the subject themselves. How about a money back guarantee if you aren't satisfied with the result.

You wouldn't settle for substandard treatment from your doctor. Neither should you be okay with resources that "don't cut to the heart of the matter" and offer real world, practical solutions.

You can be in control of your situation. There really is help for dealing with this extremely painful and uncomfortable condition. Never mind what the experts say about your book on PCOS or ovarian cysts. Sometime, you you have to look at other alternatives in spite of popular opinion. After all, your health is what is at stake here.

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