Friday, February 4, 2011

Getting Pregnant Books-Are They Any Good?

"Getting pregnant books" come in all shapes and sizes as they say. Can you really rely on the information that they give you. It just depends!

An interesting statistic is that most couples in their twenties can plan on spending at least 5 or 6 months getting pregnant. As you get older the odds of getting pregnant quickly tend to be much more difficult. You may be doing everything the right way and it still seems to keep dragging out!

It isn't uncommon to have the time period stretch to a year or more! So what can you do make things happen a little quicker?

When trying to get pregnant a lot of things become important. Are you getting enough sleep? How about eating right? Taking plenty of vitamins. These are things that should never be overlooked.

Even if you are extremely healthy there are never guarantees that getting pregnant will happen quickly. There are just so many variables that enter into the equation.

This is where "getting pregnant books" really come in handy. If this is your first child there are always some "unknowns" involved. You have never been through this before right? You can't be expected to know everything!

Having sexual intercourse at the right time is extremely important. The best time is the 14th time of the ovarian cycle. That's where the guess work comes in sometimes!

Women are different by nature. You may have a longer menstrual cycle than someone else. Just don't be surprised if things don't happen right away!

In spite of what others might say good getting pregnant books can be a "life saver" not only in terms of your sanity but from a financial standpoint as well. Going to the doctor all the time gets pretty expensive!

In-vitro fertilization in particular is a
bank breaker" for many people. That's why it just makes sense to look at every other options first.

It's not uncommon to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 for each ivf "cycle". Given the fact that they are usually 10% to 15% successful you really have to wonder if it's worth it or not.

There are all kinds of ways the fertility clinics can "play with the numbers" too. You just have to ask a lot of questions and know exactly what you are getting into ahead of time.

The moral of the story is this: taking control of your fertility is extremely important. Learn everything you can about the subject and your chances of getting pregnant quickly will increase dramatically!

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