Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting Pregnant Books-How Useful Are They?

What's the point in buying "getting pregnant books" if they don't help you get pregnant. Makes sense doesn't it? Why would you spend any money for information that is available somewhere else? Having said that, the process of getting pregnant is always as easy as we would like it to be.

If you have made the decision to start a family waiting for conception is extremely frustrating and stressful. Most couples that are in their twenties don't have any problems. Mother nature was pretty smart in making sure the younger folks had kids.

The odds of conception are about 25% with each ovulation cycle for women in their twenties. That goes down to 15% if you are in your thirties. The odds are even worse as you hit the 40 plateau.

With all the advances in medical technology you would think that our bodies would catch up. Inspite off all the "new-fangled" devices we have getting pregnant still hasn't changed in many ways.

We have certainly gotten ourselves into some crazy things haven't we? In-vitro fertilization is one case in point. The success rate is generally around 10% to 15% with each "cycle". When you are paying anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 each time the costs can really sky rocket. Even then, there are simply no guarantees it is going to work.

That's probably when getting pregnant books make the most sense.

We could and should take our doctors advice. However, there are times when you need to be a little more proactive and "chart your own course". If you have damaged ovaries, blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) you need all the help you can get.

Changing your diet is extremely important for many women. We all eat too many foods with preservatives. Detoxifying our bodies and losing weight if necessary help the conception process in so many ways. It's just a matter of helping your body run the way it was designed.

Prescription drugs such as Clomid often result in some nasty side effects. Many women have trouble with insomnia, depression and dizziness.

The bottom line is this: you can spend thousands of dollars for in-vitro fertilization. Drugs are often covered by insurance but there are still co-pays with your insurance and more visits to the doctors office. In the end, those getting pregnant books really do make a difference for thousands of women.

Getting advice from someone that has been through it is so helpful. Who wants to spend years trying to have children? You want to enjoy them now!

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