Monday, February 7, 2011

Conception Over 40-I Never Dreamed It Would Be THIS hard.

Conception over 40 is certainly not a "walk in the park". You may feel like there isn't any hope after a while. The trick at this point is getting a new perspective.

A whole slew of problems can make the process seem impossible. Maybe, you are suffering from ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes or PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Your doctors have pretty much tried everything you can. The only option left seems to be adoption.

The good news is that many other women have been through the same thing you are dealing with. They understand the frustration and heart ache that you are now going through. There are thousands of women that have come through the experience with the child that they always longed for.

We naturally assume that holistic approaches are from a bunch of "crack pots". Your doctor would probably tell you that. The reality is that conception over 40 means playing by a completely different set of rules. The status quo and conventional methods for getting pregnant have probably already failed you.

It's now time to consider "eastern" and "western" fertility secrets. Why is it that we in the "western world" think we are so much smarter?

It may seem hard to believe that there are some people in this world that are smarter than us about some things! While many women may have a hard time accepting accupuncture as a legitimate treatment option is has been proven to be very effective in many cases. The old saying "don't knock it till you try it" certainly has some merit.

What we put in our mouths is extremely important for achieving maximum fertility. If you are living on sodas, coffee and junk food it's a little realistic to expect your body (including your reproductive system) to be working at 100%. Believe it or not, there ARE toxins and chemicals in certain foods that are linked to infertility.

Your choices are much narrower and more difficult when trying to achieve conception over 40. The key to conquering the stigma and fear is being open to new ideas. Simply resorting to the same tired old approaches just isn't acceptable when you get to this age.

Many women also scoff at the idea of ancient herbs and supplements to combat infertility problems. Your love making is obviously very important as well. Inspite of all those things, we simply go on our merry little way wondering why conceiving a child is so difficult.

If you told your doctor that you were serious about detoxifying your system he would die laughing. Yet, it is extremely important in helping your pregnancy along. We just have to work with nature and maximize the bodies potential to reproduce. It is possible!

While all of these things seem like abstract concepts there are some really wonderful getting pregnant books that will walk you through the whole process. Think of it this way. You have tried everything else by now. Isn't it worth it to invest a little in a different approach that thousands of women have been successful with?

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