Friday, February 11, 2011

How to increase fertility after 35 when no one says it can be done!

As time marches on you may be wondering about how to increase fertility after 35. It's just too bad that we don't have some way to turn the clock back isn't it?

We have so much control over many things in the process. Simple things like taking care of yourself are extremely important. If you are not eating correctly, you certainly aren't doing yourself any favors!

When we are younger we can be a little less careful about the things we do to our bodies. Our reproductive systems are working at peak performance. The passage of time slows things down though.

You may not even realize how much it all changes. Studies have shown that a fifty year old woman has 1,000 eggs in her ovaries. That number can be as high as 1 million when a woman enters her reproductive phase in life!

If you are drinking soft drinks all day long that is not healthy. You knew that already though. Eating plenty of fruits and vegatable is just plain smart any time. Fast foods are the curse of modern society.

You simply can't find the magic cure on how to increase fertility after 35 by ignoring the "no brainer" things.

Male fertility is often a problem too. In fact, it's estimated that 40 to 50% of the fertility problems are due to the other person involved in the process. Over the last 50 years, sperm counts have decreased significantly in men. Doesn't it make sense that the onset of the industrial revolution has had some effect on all of us?

Environmental toxins and chemicals have a significant effect on our reproductive capabilities. There is simply no way to reverse the problems without detoxyfying our systems.

Whatever you decide to do keep in mind that there are all kinds of resources to help you figure out how to increase fertility after 35 if you take the time to look. More often than not, you can find the best strategies with a little research.

Your doctor may be recommending a drug such as Clomid to enhance your fertility. Unfortunately, many women have problems with it. In many cases, they suffer from insomnia, dizziness or heavy bleeding during or after periods.

You can find the answers on how to help fertility by spending your money wisely. There are all kinds of excellent eBooks that are available on the internet. For many women, they are a life saver simply because of the practicality and ease of use.

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