Friday, February 11, 2011

How to help fertility when nothing seems to be working.

Modern science with all of the latest gadgets doesn't always know how to help fertility. Unfortuantely, we have gotten away from some of the basic concepts that have helped our predecessors.

None of us think anything about making trips to the doctors office to see what his or her opinion is on the subject. Yet, there are so many common sense things we can do on our own instead.

With all the processed and refined foods in our diet is it any wonder we have so much trouble getting pregnant? Our bodies were just never meant to take in all that garbage that we put in our mouths.

What food value do carbonated soft drinks have? How about alcoholic beverages or sport drinks? We simply have lost all common sense when it comes to what we eat and drink.

Eating plenty of leafy green vegetables and fruits along with restricting your intake of dairy products, caffeine and dairy products helps tremendously. One study found that as little as a cup and half to two cups of coffee a day significantly impairs fertility.

The simple reality is that changing your diet is no guarantee that we can reverse the damage. A healthy diet certainly is a step in the right direction though.

This is one of the basic steps if you really want to know how to help fertility the way nature had intended. There is just no substitute for taking care of our bodies to help them function correctly.

Another thing that many women fail to realize is how important detoxyfying our systems is. We take in all kinds of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis. Our foods are loaded with additives and preservatives.

Studies have shown that being over weight or under weight significantly makes a tremendous difference in fertility. Simply put: we are what we eat!

Exposure to tobacco smoke and alcohol are definitely no-no's if you are really serious about knowing how to help fertility. While an occasional drink is okay every now and then, "binge drinking" is just plain stupid when trying to get pregnant. If you haven't quit smoking this is the time to do it.

Getting plenty of sleep and exercising in a reasonable fashion is extremely important as well. While stress certainly isn't going to prevent you from getting pregnant it doesn't help. It's stressful enough when you are trying to conceive a child.

If you are working lots of hours this might be the right time to slow down a little bit. You can help yourself so much by getting things back in perspective.

Last but not least, be willing to learn more about the subject and educate yourself. There are all kinds of excellent resources available to make the process so much simpler.

Getting pregnant over 45 certainly presents a totally whole new set of challenges. Whatever your circumstances are try to stay positive and focus on the big picture!

1 comment:

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