Friday, February 11, 2011

Getting pregnant over 45-can I really do this?

Getting pregnant over 45 is never an easy proposition. It comes with all kinds of risks (and rewards). In spite of the incredible odds against becoming pregnant it happens all the time!

what are some of the factors that affect our abilities to bear children as we get older. Aside from the obvious changes in our bodies there are a lot of external factors as well.

While there is much debate about climate change my personal opinion is that it is a very real thing. But, that's a subject for another time. The point here is that we really are a product of our environment!

You simply can't live in this world for any period of time and not be exposed to all kinds of toxins and chemicals. There is a cumulative effect on our bodies in ways that we probably can't even imagine.

One interesting study found that animals that were exposed to the fumes in addition to significant levels of lead had a 33% reduction in ovarian weight. Simply put, their reproductive capabilities were damaged significantly.

Getting pregnant over 45 is tough enough without having to deal with all of those concerns. Exhaust fumes from automobiles alone contain benzo(a)pyrene (BaP).

We in the United States are probably the best fed and worst fed people in the world. Obesity is an increasingly severe problem. The human body just wasn't meant to function well in this condition. Our diets are filled with additives that take their toll on us over time.

Does that affect our fertility? Of course it does!

Our medical professionals rarely choose to discuss detoxification of our systems as a way to increase fertility. It's a very real problem though. Doesn't it just stand to reason that we need that type of discussion particularly when getting pregnant over 45?

If you are really serious about getting pregnant at this age you have to look beyond the usual "conventional" approaches.

We, as women, have a tendency to forget that our partners are just important in the process as we are. Male infertility accounts for anywhere from 40 to 50% of the problems in conceiving children. Once again, the issues that were discussed above with toxins and chemicals apply to them as well.

Sperm are particularly vulnerable to environmental hazards. As a matter of fact it's not uncommon at all to see up to 40% of abnormal sperm in a routine semen analysis.

It all goes back to getting all the information that you can about the subject and having a viable plan in place. Hopefully, you will find that getting pregnant over 45 isn't nearly as difficult as you thought it might be.

getting pregnant over 45

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